An Innovators Paradise- Infographic

As more and more business is conducted online, more and more business opportunities are created due to the massive size of the internet. Companies like Amazon, Apple, and even Walmart are giants in e-commerce and their online revenues are continuing to soar. Last year, e-commerce raked in $680 billion worldwide. And on Black Friday alone, Amazon sold 32 items per second. With the help of services like Facebook, Twitter, and email, companies are able to reach practically anybody on the internet – all 6.8 billion of them. Those pursuing an MBA will definitely need to consider the shear size of the internet when making their future business decisions. And the numbers behind the size of the internet are staggering. In fact, they’re almost unbelievable.

A day In the Internet

Innovation Excellence




Starbucks and Big Tobacco

By Braden Kelley | August 19, 2006

Back in the 1950’s smoking was glamorous, and just about everybody who was anybody smoked cigarettes. Then came the discovery, to the shock of millions, that sucking smoke into your lungs might not be good for you. Then came another revelation that one of the substances in tobacco, nicotine, which was used as a poison by the Egyptians during the times of the Great Pyramids, is addictive. People then began a mass exodus from the consumption of nicotine via inhaled smoke.

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Wal-Mart Goes Green – What about your company?

By Braden Kelley | August 4, 2006

With the price of gas above $3.00, some companies (and hopefully all) are beginning to look at the fuel efficiency of their fleets. Wal-Mart is the most public example of this with its trucking fleet. Its efforts include:

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