The Power of the Journey Map


Disclaimer: If you are a designer and don’t like or approve of the use of journey maps, do me a favor and stop reading. Thank you and good day!


Have you ever been a customer? Have you ever had an amazing experience? I’m talking about an experience where you felt everything was planned out to perfection? If so, one of many tools may have been involved in creating your experience. Today, we discuss journey maps.


Journey maps are a way of looking at what happens when we are interacting with our customer(s) (touchpoint is the technical term). It’s not about process, although most organizations build their processes and realize that an actual customer maybe should have been consulted. Journey naps focus on key interaction opportunities you have with your customer. To create a simple journey map, do the following:


#1 Identify the touchpoint–what action is being taken by your customer?


#2 Describe the interaction–is it online, with a specific person/role, frequency, etc.?


#3 Ask your customers or gather data on what works (gain points) and doesn’t work (pain points)


#4 Identify opportunities to make the experience memorable (using customer feedback and data)


#5 Create a big-a$$ picture of all of the touchpoints


#6 Based on what you will measure for customer success, determine which touchpoint(s) to re-imagine and co-create those opportunities with your customers to provide greater gain or relieve pain.


#7 Decided how to measure the experience as part of this touchpoint (Customer Engagement Score, Customer Sat, Net Promoter Score, etc.


Confused? Use the template below as a first step and use both quantitative (survey data, Customer Sat Scores, NPS, etc.) and qualitative data (talking to your customers). One way to learn how to do this is to think about the last time you bought something over $500 and fill in the template below to represent your own experience!


  Touchpoint #1 Touchpoint #2 Touchpoint #3 Touchpoint #…
Actions (What’s the customer doing)        
Locations (Where does it happen)        
Interaction Type (Online, website, app, in-person, etc.)        


 And, if you need a free 30-minute consult on journey mapping, reach out and we’ll share our insights with you!



ABOUT US: We believe in either disrupting or being disrupted, and we chose to disrupt. At the Disruptor League, we want to know you, surprise you and make it easy for you to be a disruptor, too. It’s not all talk; we are changing the world. Join us to see how. We will teach you to use your superpowers and unite with us to change the world. The Disruptor League offers a unique environment to develop, to practice, and to embed design and innovation into your life. You will connect with others who want to make a difference. Relationships will grow, and problems will be solved.



Steve Junion sdjunion




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