How Cryptocurrency Improves Your Prospects Bit(coin) By Bit(coin)

By Luca Yates | February 17, 2021 |

  From glancing at the title, you have likely figured out the general gist of this article.   Cryptocurrency has been affording new opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs and fresh talent the world over. For example, Bitcoin has achieved things beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, and fintech experts predict more mainstream acceptance of the cryptocurrency in the…

Pandemic disruptions and a paradigm shift in virtual business

By Dan Blacharski | February 17, 2021 |

Over the past year the personal and business disruptions due to the COVID pandemic have brought disaster, closings of long-standing successful businesses, job loss, and distress on a personal level. Recovery will be a long and painstaking process, and in some cases, will involve bringing in an entirely new way of thinking about how we…

Why now is the time for businesses to embrace change

By Hubert Day | February 9, 2021 |

    It’s hardly controversial to say that 2020 has been a year of unprecedented change. Businesses across the globe have had to respond and adapt in new and innovative ways to remain profitable. Some industries have been more successful than others; finding flexibility in previously stiff joints and becoming what they need to be…

The Roles of Risk and Luck in Innovation

By Jesse Nieminen | January 21, 2021 |

One of the most controversial, and perhaps even misunderstood topics in innovation are the roles of risk and luck for innovation success. Do you have to get lucky to innovate successfully, or can you make your own luck? Is it always inherently risky to try to innovate, or can you manage risk by making smart…

Diversifying the Corporate Boardroom

By Dan Blacharski | January 18, 2021 |

Diverse talent is abundant, but do you still need to know the secret handshake? A small group of tenured leaders, corporate board members have always been chosen from behind closed doors and often from a pool of insiders who are predominately white men. Although corporations have at least acknowledged the need for diversity, achieving that…

The First Thing a Savvy Team Leader Needs to Do

By Mitch Ditkoff | December 7, 2020 |

If you lead a team of people, the first thing you need to do is let your team know the full scope of your roles and responsibilities. You may think your team understands what you do, but it’s highly likely they don’t — at least not at the level of specificity that a high performing…

An apple tree

The Fallacy of the Aha Moment & Overnight Success in Innovation

By Jesse Nieminen | December 7, 2020 |

We’ve all heard the story of Newton and the apple. According to the legend, he came up with the theory of gravity when he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head, at which point it all suddenly dawned on him. We love to hear stories of these great aha moments.…

How to Strengthen a Business Model for Media & Entertainment Industry in 2021

By Julia Beyers | December 4, 2020 |

While numerous enterprises are trying to make ends meet at the end of 2020, there are a few industries that have fared rather well. The media and entertainment sectors as well as the iGaming niche belong to them. In 2020, total video games and eSports revenue in the United States was about $29.1bn. In 2019,…

How Transformational Leaders Learn To Overcome Failure

By Greg Satell | December 1, 2020 |

When we think of great leaders their great successes usually come to mind. We picture Washington crossing the Delaware or Gandhi leading massive throngs or Steve Jobs standing triumphantly on stage. It is moments of triumph such as these that make indelible marks on history’s consciousness. While researching my book, Cascades, however, what struck me most…

Fields of Study That Will Spark Your Creativity

By Cecilia Mayer | November 30, 2020 |

In an increasingly analytical and automated world, creativity can sometimes seem to be falling by the wayside. So many jobs come down to hard numbers and facts, and so many careers depend on exact qualifications and certifications, that at the very least we tend to prioritize creativity behind checking boxes.   As understandable as this…
