Social Media and Music – Ideal Partners?

Quiet Company – “It’s Better To Spend Money Like There’s No Tomorrow Than Spend Tonight Like There’s No Money”

I recently became aware of TheSixtyOne, an online music community where “artists upload their work for review, but, rather than allow a stuffy suit in a boardroom to decide what’s good, thousands of listeners do.” Since I canceled my account after they handed user data to the RIAA, I’ve found TheSixtyOne to be the best way to learn about new bands that you otherwise wouldn’t hear about.

One band I’ve gotten into from TheSixtyOne is Quiet Company from Austin, TX. Their music is a kind of wonderful, melodic piano-pop with lyrics that are optimistic without feeling cheesy. With songs like “It’s Better To Spend Money Like There’s No Tomorrow Than Spend Tonight Like There’s No Money” (above), you know they’re not taking themselves too seriously.

After playing the track list multiple times, I just HAD to share them with my Twitter stream. The best way to share music on Twitter is I searched, found the song, and sent this:

3720936014 67cffe3881 How Quiet Company Took Me from Fan to Evangelist

That was the last I thought of it, until this morning. When I opened TweetDeck, I found this reply from @quietcompanytx:

3720140717 ea81aca8a3 How Quiet Company Took Me from Fan to Evangelist

They followed up with another tweet saying I could share that link with anyone I think would like their music, so here you go.

I downloaded the sampler, happy to get free music, and played the three songs about four times over.

Then something funny happened.

I went to the Quiet Company site, and bought & downloaded their newest album, “Everyone You Love Will Be Happy Soon”, directly from the band.

What’s so funny about that? I almost never buy new music. With the plethora of online music sites – from to Pandora, to to TheSixtyOne and more – I can stream just about anything I want. For free.

But because Quiet Company used the tools of the internet – first, to showcase their music; then, to find and reach out to those talking about it – they were able to gain a new fan, turn that fan into an evangelist, and see a return on the time and effort they’ve spent.

This isn’t something that only applies to music. Whether you’re a band, a business, or a nonprofit, how can you excite people with your offerings? How can you benefit from listening to online conversations and engaging with those that are talking about your product or service?

Gradon Tripp is the founder of Social Media for Social Change, an organization that uses the tools of online media to raise awareness for nonprofits. He writes about ways organizations — both non-profit and for-profit — can benefit from using social media at

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Braden Kelley

Braden Kelley is a Design Thinking, Innovation and Transformation Consultant, a popular innovation speaker and workshop leader, and helps companies use Human-Centered Changeâ„¢ to beat the 70% change failure rate. He is the author of Charting Change from Palgrave Macmillan and Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire from John Wiley & Sons. Braden has been advising companies since 1996, while living and working in England, Germany, and the United States. Braden earned his MBA from top-rated London Business School. Follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.




Credit Card Shenanigans

By Braden Kelley | June 16, 2006

It must be great to be in the credit card business in the United States. Demand is relatively inelastic and regulation is lax, so you can charge whatever you want for an interest rate, increase your fees once or twice a year, and make additional money off cash withdrawals and foreign exchange transactions.

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Building an Experience

By Braden Kelley | June 15, 2006

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