20 Ways to Get Feedback on Your New Idea

20 Ways to Get Feedback on Your New IdeaYou’ve got a great idea. I know you do. But I also know it’s just sitting there. In your head. Like a lump.

Why? Because you haven’t pitched it to anyone.

Everyone — even your best friends — all seem so busy, right? And even if they’re not busy, you… um….er… uh… don’t really know how to kick-start the conversation to get them to help you develop your idea.

The hardest part is starting.

And so, here’s a way to start — actually, 20 ways to start — 20 phrases you can use to increase the odds of someone paying attention to your new idea and giving you the feedback you need to develop it.

Go ahead. Get your idea out there today. Invite someone you know to give you feedback. You can do this…


  1. I wonder if you have a few minutes to give me some feedback on a new idea of mine. Is this a good time?
  2. I’d love your opinion about a new idea that really excites me. Got a minute?
  3. I just had a huge breakthrough. Mind if I share it with you?
  4. I need a second set of eyes on a new insight of mine. Available?
  5. Can I book a time with you tomorrow to pitch you a bold, new idea of mine. I think you’ll find it very inspiring.
  6. I just figured out how to _________. Can I share it with you?
  7. I’d love your sage counsel on a new project of mine.
  8. You’re one of the smartest people I know around here. Mind if I share a new idea with you?
  9. Who do you recommend I talk with around here to help me develop an exciting idea of mine?
  10. I got a deal for you. I’ll buy you breakfast tomorrow if you give me feedback on a bold, new idea that came to me last night.
  11. I’d love you to play devil’s advocate with me for a few minutes. Mind if I pitch you an idea?
  12. When would be a good time for the two of us to get together and brainstorm an idea with the power to change our industry?
  13. I need you help. Can you help me think through an exciting new idea of mine?
  14. I’ve got a great idea that I’m really confused about. Can you help me sort it out?
  15. Everyone I talk to tells me you’re the resident genius around here. Mind if I pitch you a great idea that needs some polishing?
  16. Would you be open to being my coach? I’ve got an awesome idea that’s kind of flopping in the wind.
  17. If you’ve got five minutes, I’d love your help thinking through a great, new possibility.
  18. Can I take you to lunch today to help me refine a new idea?
  19. Got 60 seconds to give me some feedback?
  20. If you give me your feedback on my latest idea, I promise to name my tenth child after you. Ready?

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Mitch DitkoffMitch Ditkoff is the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions and the author of “Awake at the Wheel”, as well as the very popular Heart of Innovation blog.

Mitch Ditkoff




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No Comments

  1. "Downtown" Dan on March 22, 2011 at 12:53 am

    Great info. I may print this out and put it on my cork board so when I approach the small group of people I often solicit for feedback they won’t suspect anything when I phrase the question differently each time!

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