Download Innovation Excellence Weekly for Free

Download Innovation Excellence Weekly for FreeFirst we created a weekly newsletter (sign up now) for our community members who wanted to get great innovation content a little less frequently than coming to the site every day, or who just wanted to make sure they didn’t miss the most popular articles of the week.

Now we have launched Innovation Excellence Weekly – the magazine – so that you can download the ten best articles of the week as a PDF to your:

  • Apple iPad
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Nook from Barnes & Noble
  • Samsung GalaxyTab
  • Other trusty tablet
  • Laptop or desktop computer (PC or Mac)

Think of it as Innovation Excellence to go.

Because this is only the sixth issue, we’d love to get your feedback. We think we improved it this week, but of course it will get prettier and more functional as we go (especially when people see the advertising potential), but we’ve got to start somewhere and we’d love to hear your thoughts on where we should take it.

Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 6

Here are links to our first six issues:

And if you subscribe to our page on any of these services and you’ll be notified any time we post any new issues of Innovation Excellence Weekly (the magazine) or any other great innovation white papers or eBooks:

Finally, you can support this effort AND get great exposure for your business by buying a:

  • Magazine cover sponsorship (includes a full-page ad and a half-page ad) – $100 per week
  • Full-page magazine advertisement – $50 per week
  • Half-page magazine advertisement – $25 per week
  • Banner ad at top (728×90) of Email Newsletter (7,500+ subscribers) – $50 per week
  • Banner ad at bottom (728×90) of Email Newsletter (7,500+ subscribers) – $25 per week

Email us at ADVERTISING at INNOVATIONEXCELLENCE dot COM for more information.

Please sound off in the comments.

What else are they saying about 'Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire'

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Braden KelleyBraden Kelley is a popular innovation speaker, embeds innovation across the organization with innovation training, and builds B2B pull marketing strategies that drive increased revenue, visibility and inbound sales leads. He is currently advising an early-stage fashion startup making jewelry for your hair and is the author of Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire from John Wiley & Sons. He tweets from @innovate.

Innovation Excellence




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No Comments

  1. Joan Holman on November 13, 2012 at 12:16 am

    The magazine is an excellent addition to the Innovation Excellence community. I appreciate the packaging of the week’s top articles in this format. Your format is attractive and easy to read. Thank you! And it offers a great advertising option.

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