modelH – Health Model Co-Creation Forum (part 4)

modelH - Health Model Co-Creation Forum (part 4)After reading my 3 earlier posts, I hope we have you convinced that this is a worthwhile effort and that you should join us. By joining the forum – you join the movement to create a better healthcare system.

The solutions for transforming healthcare will come from harnessing diverse ideas from across the ecosystem of healthcare stakeholders. We are inviting individuals inside and outside of the healthcare industry to join us on one platform to ignite conversations and build solutions for new business models within US healthcare.

That means you – yes, you are invited!

When you sign up you will join other passionate healthcare and innovation professionals to create meaningful change in the US healthcare industry. You will also cultivate new professional relationships, elevate your personal brands and identities, and receive direct attribution in my forthcoming book as permanent proof of the important co-creative role you played.

Please know this is not a marketing scam – we are sincere in our work and care deeply about our goals.  Our end result will be a book published in 2014 that you will get to share in the credits for creating.

How to Participate in modelH

Well, first you have to register on the modelH site.  We suggest you read up on the whole project here first -

After that, there will be three Phases to the modelH project, which will last through at least March of 2014.

The three Phases are:

  1. CoCreate a healthcare business model generator, called modelH. We will draw from the work of Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book, “Business Model Generation: A Handbook For Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers” to create a new framework for developing health model innovation throughout the remainder of the project. Building the modelH engine is the most critical part of the project, and we’ll be devoting at least half of our time – 4-5 months – on this module.
  2. Generate and evaluate ideas through the modelH engine. Next, we’ll gather your inspiration, insights, and research to develop ideas that can be tested in the modelH engine. These ideas will address our three main areas of concern for healthcare: creating positive consumption experiences, improving the care delivery mechanism, and aligning payments and incentives. If we’ve built modelH correctly, we will be able to produce innovative business models that reflect a new direction for US healthcare. We expect to spend 2-3 months on this module of the project.
  3. Validate the health model innovation solutions. The final step is to review our modelH solutions to ensure they are fair, reasonable, and feasible. Once validated, Kevin Riley will be compiling the work into a visual playbook to be published later in 2014. We expect to spend 1-2 months on this module.

This project is a labor of love for all of us and the modelH team is fronting the cost to put all of this together. Our reward is the same as your reward: pride in creating a new path forward for US healthcare. It’s an opportunity to do something meaningful that has the potential to effect change on a system that is in dire need of change and to positively impact the lives of millions of Americans. We’ll also provide attribution to all contributors in the book as proof of the important role you play.

Keep in mind that this is an experimental project, and we expect some bumps along the way. If you encounter troubles, inconsistencies, or simply need clarity on how it all works, kindly let us know so we can improve the process. Also, we will have a firm “no jerks” policy in place within the modelH forum. We want disruptive thinkers, not disruptive individuals. If you are serious about making something that will help all of us create the healthcare system we so desperately need, please join in with a heart and mind for that task. If not, please sit this one out.

So, step up to the plate an get involved.

to your health!

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modelH – Health Model Co-Creation Forum (part 1)Kevin Riley is an entrepreneur, healthcare executive, and business model innovator who works with start-ups and legacy companies alike, across the healthcare industry. Kevin founded and was CEO of a national health care retail company, has played leadership roles for national retail health start-ups, and served as the first Chief Innovation Officer of a major insurance plan. In 2006 he started Kevin Riley & Associates Health Model Innovation to help companies with the convergence of health care and the consumer.

Kevin Riley




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